Monday, September 8, 2014

Massage Marketing 101:

People talk about massage do you meet at the start rising off a bunch of stuff about you should get good search engine optimization and Bill the amazing website lots of bills and whistles, but I'm headed to Marketing is not such a formidable opponent.  It's not as complex as one made mention of the next couple paragraphs with me showing you as a surefire way to take your massage business from zero to cash within 72 hours now not going to tell you to you know but a bunch of articles, release 1 billion blogs, or spam the living you know what out of the Internet with your link that nobody cares about.   We are going to take a hands-on step-by-step approach in order to get you started quickly with as little money as humanly possible and as little effort that's necessary in order to win immediately. So enough with the talk gibberish jabber and whatnot let's begin.

Step one write an amazing advertisement. Space when I say amazing I mean amazing. This ever Tisem it has to be the advertisement to end all advertisements it's that important instead of  spending hours writing long articles spend about 30 minutes brainstorming different unique special propositions, and supercharged bait, for your offer.  Offer extras or district if it's for larger purchases and always, I mean always ask for more than one order followed by a significant discount, for acting immediately include a phone number and contact information inside of your advertisement

Step to take your newfound advertisement with you supercharged paid, and start a free website it Don't worry about a bunch of content simply put your advertisement on your homepage and followed by a contact form for people to get a hold you for make me appointments

Step three: submit your link to body rub search engine. It works kind of like craigslist yelp and Google all-in-one.  Thousands of men and women wanting massages search online through value of search engine in order to find the perfect therapist.  They can also buy some gift certificates and better reviews say will pay you directly and immediately upon redemption of that get certificate.  This is an innovation to the industry simply because, most of his competitors simply list advertisements on the website. With this company you getting much more. You getting a state-of-the-art reseller program, or you can actually buy up get certificates at half price and resell them to your customers or give them away as gifts. Customers love them, and it serves as a great reason for them to come back to you or one of the thousands of members on body rub USA   and it's sister sites.  This allows you to not only MakeMoney on your customer the first time, but may go on going recurring monthly residual.

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