Monday, September 8, 2014

Massage Marketing 101:

People talk about massage do you meet at the start rising off a bunch of stuff about you should get good search engine optimization and Bill the amazing website lots of bills and whistles, but I'm headed to Marketing is not such a formidable opponent.  It's not as complex as one made mention of the next couple paragraphs with me showing you as a surefire way to take your massage business from zero to cash within 72 hours now not going to tell you to you know but a bunch of articles, release 1 billion blogs, or spam the living you know what out of the Internet with your link that nobody cares about.   We are going to take a hands-on step-by-step approach in order to get you started quickly with as little money as humanly possible and as little effort that's necessary in order to win immediately. So enough with the talk gibberish jabber and whatnot let's begin.

Step one write an amazing advertisement. Space when I say amazing I mean amazing. This ever Tisem it has to be the advertisement to end all advertisements it's that important instead of  spending hours writing long articles spend about 30 minutes brainstorming different unique special propositions, and supercharged bait, for your offer.  Offer extras or district if it's for larger purchases and always, I mean always ask for more than one order followed by a significant discount, for acting immediately include a phone number and contact information inside of your advertisement

Step to take your newfound advertisement with you supercharged paid, and start a free website it Don't worry about a bunch of content simply put your advertisement on your homepage and followed by a contact form for people to get a hold you for make me appointments

Step three: submit your link to body rub search engine. It works kind of like craigslist yelp and Google all-in-one.  Thousands of men and women wanting massages search online through value of search engine in order to find the perfect therapist.  They can also buy some gift certificates and better reviews say will pay you directly and immediately upon redemption of that get certificate.  This is an innovation to the industry simply because, most of his competitors simply list advertisements on the website. With this company you getting much more. You getting a state-of-the-art reseller program, or you can actually buy up get certificates at half price and resell them to your customers or give them away as gifts. Customers love them, and it serves as a great reason for them to come back to you or one of the thousands of members on body rub USA   and it's sister sites.  This allows you to not only MakeMoney on your customer the first time, but may go on going recurring monthly residual.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

How To Find A Quality Body Rub in Oklahoma City, OK

It can be hard to find a quality body rub or massage in large cities. Sometimes just looking for someone can be stressful in itself.  The competiton is huge and you look at each ad, wondering who to get to give you a relaxation session. Or if they do a good job like they say. I have found a way to eliminate all your wonderings, and a simple solution to your needs. You will never have to wonder again! And I KNOW you will be thanking me for years to come.

   The best site to find a quality, real bodyrub on is BodyRub.INFO. Personally, as a body rub connoisseur, I can recommend this site to you. One thing, you won't to worry about the girls being fake, or not showing up. You pay with your Credit Card or PayPal through the site, and choose your person. So, even if they don't show up, you'll get your payment refunded right away. You can also get credits towards your body rubs. Look for the three buttons at the bottom of each ad and share that ad once on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus, and the site automatically puts $5 right into your account. And you'll be able to use it to buy a body rub! It's really cool. You never have to worry about adult based content as they do not allow photos of nudity, or lingerie. So you don't have to be worried who sees it!

   If you want to make a little extra cash on the side, even as a client, you can sign up to their affiliate program at the bottom of the site. You will be paid $2.50 for EVERY person that you get to sign up to the site for free. For example, if you get 10 people to sign up through your affiliate link, you make $25! It's that simple. You would be surprised how fast it adds up! And, maybe if you make enough money through the Affiliate Program, you might even get a body rub for free !

   One of the perks to using this site, is that you know the reviews on the person you want to do your body rub are gonna be 100% real, because the only people allowed to leave reviews are customers who have paid that person.

   I hope you have found this article helpful to eliminating all that extra stress in your search. Have a relaxing day!

Where To Post Your Body Rub and Massage Services In Burlington, VT

    Many of you are tired of the same old sites. over and over. You're looking for something new and refreshing. Something that's inviting to your clients and going to keep them coming back to you. Ultimately that is, as body rub specialists, our goal. We prefer to deal with the long-term, professional clientele. You're simply tired of the sites that ask you to pay and then never put your ad up. Maybe they take your card that you used and just took money off of it anyhow.

    BodyRub.INFO will resolve your problems that you’ve been dealing with! Forget about cash orders. All your clients pay with credit card BEFORE the appointment. Thus, eliminating the no-shows and guys who just show up and give you an excuse that sounds ridiculous. ( Just a hint – Personally, I charge people who show up and leave a fee of $20 ) Plus, since they’re paying with credit card, they are going to show up!I’ve never had a CC order that didn’t show. And the number of your repeat clients will go up dramatically. Remember, their money is important to them!

   Another thing that’s awesome about this site is it’s state of the art feedback system. Now, you don’t have to worry about receiving fake feedback! BodyRub.INFO only allows clients who have paid and received your service to leave reviews. Plus, you are now also allowed to leave your client feedback as well. I love this system as it has given my body rub business a ton of real, authentic reviews from happy clients.

   This site does allow you the opportunity to post for free. However, they do charge a 30% success fee for every deal you close on their site. They ONLY GET PAID WHEN YOU GET PAID. If you don’t get paid, they don’t get paid. They only allow you to be priced at $100 for your first 40 deals. After that you choose your own prices. One way is to say stuff like ” Order this gig twice, and get a one hour body rub” or “Order this gig 3 times and I’ll do an outcall ….” You get the idea. Be creative. Nobody likes to read the same ad over and over.

   They don’t allow nude photos or lingerie photos so be advised and don’t try or your ad gets blocked.

   You can also join their affiliate program. This is especially nice, if you have a website. And it’s a great way to make extra cash. They pay $2.50  for every FREE lead you get to join BodyRub.INFO. Your affiliate code is auto-generated after sign-up. Go To the “My Referrals” link at the top of the page to get your affiliate link. You also make 30% on EVERY body rub girl that you get to sign up! So, for example, if you produce 10 leads that join the site, you’ll get paid $25! I know for a fact that this works. They pay out on the first of every month.

   Make sure you share your ad on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Pus for maximum exposure. It’s a very clean site, so you’ll never have to worry about who sees your ads.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Where To Find A Body Rub In Orlando, FL

Are you tired of searching for a quality body rub you know you'll be happy with? Tired of waiting in parking lots and no body rub specialist to be found? Tired of girls rushing you out the door in 15 minutes? Tired of worrying about getting robbed, or worrying about shady characters lurking around the corner during your rub? maybe you're tired of the high priced body rubs, yet they don't deliver! Worried about cop stings?

   As a body rub connoisseur of 10 years, I have researched the best possible places in Orlando, Florida for you to guarantee the best possible experience for your weary body.

   One day in my search I came across a very up-to-date site called BodyRub.INFO. I found all of my fears were eliminated. I mean, I literally had nothing to worry about the further I did my research.

   The good thing about this site is that they cap off their users at $100 each, for their first 40 deals. In Orlando, most body rubs are anywhere from $100 - $150. So, you can find body rubs on here way cheaper. Another thing, you won't find the same girls here as you do on Backpage or Craigslist. These girls are top, top, TOP notch quality. You will have to place your order and then your provider contacts you ASAP. The feedback system is very trustworthy, since they only allow paid orders to leave feedback. The girls that haven't had any feedback yet are also a good choice, because they're trying their best to get their first feedbacks. Plus, they want the experience.

   Cop stings are virtually eliminated because of the paid feedback system. Cops try to trick you when you virtually came for something LEGITIMATE. It's impossible for them to exist here because they won't use a credit card and because of the paid feedback system.

   I hope this helps you out, and you have a relaxing, worry-free time!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

How To Do Boost Your Massage And BodyRub Business Doing Pre-Paid Outcalls

Many of you have experienced a failed cash order and felt frustrated with it. I found the perfect solution! As a body rub specialist of 12 years, I too have the experience of the customer setting an appointment and not showing up, or they send you to an address where there is nobody. Or perhaps , they show up, but they give you an excuse and turn around at the door. Like I said, I have the perfect solution and I KNOW you'll be thanking me for years to come.


   BodyRub.INFO is your number one website to post all your body rub and massage services on for free. However, they do charge a 30% closing fee. So, for example, if you sell a body rub for $100, that's $30 that will go to them. My advice would be to price your services accordingly.  For your first 40 deals on this site, the price is automatically set at $100. After you have completed those 40 deals, you can set the price to however much you like. But let me share a little secret with you. You can say 'buy this gig twice and get a two hour body rub'. Or, say "buy this gig at this price and get two one hour sessions this month'. Get creative! They also don't allow any nudity on the site whatsoever, so keep that in mind when you're posting. As an expert body rub specialist of 12 years, I can personally recommend this site to you because it has gotten me a great boost in business!

   One of the best benefits to using this site, is that you finally won't have to deal with cash orders, and you get paid BEFORE the appointment. One of the biggest frustrations in the business is clients who set an appointment, and won't show up. Or they show up, and they leave at the door. People aren't going to pay with their credit card and then not show up or send you to a fake address. Their money is important to them and they are GOING to show up. When people pay you with their CC or PayPal, they are serious about getting an appointment and they are going to want it as soon as possible. This works well for both incalls and outcalls.

   Now, I'm going to share with you another  secret about this site. There are 3 very important buttons that you should be looking for. Once you have posted an ad, there will be a Facebook button, Google+ button, and a Twitter button. Share your ad on these three sites to get a heavier traffic flow, and deals will just come to you naturally. The good thing about these three buttons is that when you share your ad, you won't have to worry about whether your friends and family will be worried about it. It's a clean, professional site that does not allow nudity or lingerie photos. This will also help boost your body rub or massage business online, bringing more people to you.

   If you are not wanting to post an ad and just simply just want to make some extra cash on the side, they also have an affiliate program. For every person that signs up for free through your affiliate link, you will be paid $2.50. So, if you get 10 people to sign up to BodyRub.INFO for free that's an easy $25. You'll be paid on on the first of every month via PayPal or Bitcoin. Now, look again at the buttons. You'll be able to find some ads that say Share this ad on Google+ and get $5 put into your account. For every ad you share that has a share option in them, they will pay you $5 for! I personally have tried this, and I can say with certainty that it definitely works!
   Another thing that helps immensely is to post a few articles on your body rubs. Explain in detail how your body rubs work and how paying online is the best way to go. Offer them a 20% discount for paying online. You'll be surprised at how much your traffic and business gets that boost you're looking for!
   I hope my advice has helped many of you out! Enjoy making extra cash!

How To Find A Body Rub In Des Moines, Iowa

Many of you are tired of the typical body rubs. The ones that cut your time, and don't do a quality job. I have found a simple solution to your problem! I have been getting body rubs for about 12 years now and decided to do some research on my own to see where I cound get the best quality. I'm not going to burden you with 100's of sites to wade through. In fact, I'm not even going to give you 5. I'm only going to give you 1! I have gotten a significant amount of body rubs or massages through these sites, and do not in any way hesitate to share them with you.

   BodyRub.INFO is not only a great site to find body rubs on, but they also have an affiliate program where YOU can make money. With all the new technology out there, this site is obviously a positive addition to the world of body rubs and massages. If you want to make a little extra cash on the side, even as a client, you can sign up to their affiliate program at the bottom of the site. You will be paid $2.50 for EVERY person that you get to sign up to the site for free. For example, if you get 10 people to sign up through your affiliate link, you make $25! It's that simple.

   You can also buy a body rub here. All you have to do is fill up your account ( however much you wish ) Via PayPal, Greendot, or Money order, and you can buy away. One of the perks to using this site, is that you know the reviews on the person you want to do your body rub are gonna be 100% real, because the only people allowed to leave reviews are customers who have paid that person. Plus, using your credit card or a Money Pak saves you the worry about cash. You don't have to worry about getting robbed and you won;t have to worry about your credit card number getting stolen because your information is secure with PayPal.
   Now, there are three very important buttons to look for as a body rub client. At the bottom of every ad there is a Twitter, a Facebook, and a Google Plus button. Often, on the ads, you can look for a little clue in the ad that says If you share my ad on Twitter, you will get $5! This, of course will be added to your account balance, which you can then withdraw using Paypal. Or, if you like, you can also redeem it towards a body rub. You would be surprised how fast it adds up! Conjoin these two things together and you'll be making extra cash in no time, without ever having to lift a finger.

   Hope you have found this information useful!

How To Find A Body Rub In Salt Lake City, UT

   Many of you are tired of the typical body rubs. The ones that cut your time, and don't do a quality job. I have found a simple solution to your problem! I have been getting body rubs for about 12 years now and decided to do some research on my own to see where I cound get the best quality. I'm not going to burden you with 100's of sites to wade through. In fact, I'm not even going to give you 5. I'm only going to give you 1! I have gotten a significant amount of body rubs or massages through these sites, and do not in any way hesitate to share them with you.

   BodyRub.INFO is not only a great site to find body rubs on, but they also have an affiliate program where YOU can make money. With all the new technology out there, this site is obviously a positive addition to the world of body rubs and massages. If you want to make a little extra cash on the side, even as a client, you can sign up to their affiliate program at the bottom of the site. You will be paid $2.50 for EVERY person that you get to sign up to the site for free. For example, if you get 10 people to sign up through your affiliate link, you make $25! It's that simple.

   You can also buy a body rub here. All you have to do is fill up your account ( however much you wish ) Via PayPal, Greendot, or Money order, and you can buy away. One of the perks to using this site, is that you know the reviews on the person you want to do your body rub are gonna be 100% real, because the only people allowed to leave reviews are customers who have paid that person.
   Now, there are three very important buttons to look for as a body rub client. At the bottom of every ad there is a Twitter, a Facebook, and a Google Plus button. Often, on the ads, you can look for a little clue in the ad that says If you share my ad on Twitter, you will get $5! This, of course will be added to your account balance, which you can then withdraw using Paypal. Or, if you like, you can also redeem it towards a body rub. You would be surprised how fast it adds up! Conjoin these two things together and you'll be making extra cash in no time, without ever having to lift a finger.

   Hope you have found this information useful!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Where To Post Your Body Rubs In Detroit, Michigan

Many of us as body rub specialists find it difficult to find good sites to post our body rubs on. I mean, sites that actually work and keep your ad up even when you pay them to do so. If this is you, I know exactly what you are going through. This was me. I am considered to be an expert in the field of body rubs. I have been doing them for 10 years now and I have researched which sites are best to use to save you time and make it easier for you. Keep in mind to never do anything illegal or immoral. It's not worth it. You will get caught.

   My number one all-time favorite website to post on is Body Rub USA. I've been using this site for the last year and I've gotten great results. I get anywhere from 15-20 calls a day from here. And the clientele is awesome. Definitely professional. You can also  avoid some of the questions by using this site, because the clientele knows what is expected, that they're getting a simple, relaxing body rub and nothing else. Nothing illegal. They just want to relax. They also have a massage section for LMT's and CMT's. One of the main things that makes this site so unique is their "ACTIVE" program. Once you sign up. All you have to do each morning is text the word "ACTIVE" to their phone and they will post all your ads for you AND set your appointments. They do charge a 20% fee for this service but I love it. I've made a ton of money this way and the best part is I don't have to deal with time-wasters on the phone. If they don't show, all you have to do is contact the admin on the site and they will never let that person back in. Plus, when you like their site on Facebook, you will get a FREE 30 minute body rub. Not bad, huh? Yes, you read that right. I have to admit, I was a little skeptical at first too. But I tried it last week, and it works.

    Something else new I have been doing for the last 6 months is buying a lead list from I know for a fact that this company will not rip you off. They only give you working leads. These are all people that have already asked to be contacted by a body rub specialist. Their leads cost like .60 which is a great deal. I've made so much money just by using the lead list. I reccommend starting with a list of 50 people, to ensure that you are going to get what you paid for. You'll probably be so busy you won't know what to do. And the best part? Once they sell you a list, they will never re-sell that list to another competitor. It's yours and yours alone to keep. Each list is unique and different.

   You can also auction your body rubs at It's a cool way to get new clients. I reccommend starting your bids low, like, for instance, $20. That's where I started and by the end of the day the bids had soared up to $120. This site is definitely worth your time and energy.

   I hope you've found these sites useful inyour search on where to post. I can guarantee you, that all of these sites are worth it.  Happy business ventures!

Where To Find A Great Body Rub In Raleigh, North Carolina

   Are you tired of trying to find a body rub that fits your needs in Raleigh, North Carolina? I have studied where to find the best body rubs in the country and am myself considered an expert as a body rub specialist of 10 years. I have compiled a few of the best sites to find your local body rubs on.

   Body Rub USA is always my top pick because they are real, authentic, and genuine girls and guys who love to give body rubs. Plus, when you like them on Facebook, you will get a FREE 30 minute body rub. You're probably busy thinking, Whoa! Did I read that right? Yep, you bet you did! They always hold true to their promise too. I have to admit, I too was skeptical at first. I just did this last week and BOOM! It worked. Always remember never to do anything illegal or immoral. It's not worth it. You'll just get caught. Just get a relaxing body rub and be done. They also have an affiliate program where they will pay YOU to bring hits to their site. You can also sign up to receive free email newsletter updates about the new posters in your local area.

   Bakpage is one site I don't really reccommend, however, there are a few great people you can still find on there. My experience has been that you go there and you don't get a very good body rub at all. All they wanna do is illegal stuff and I am just not into that. But on the flip side, I've come across several people I could highly reccommend.

   I've had some awesome success with craigslist. I know they took their adult services section down, but you can still find body rubs in either the beauty services or the creative services sections.

   Recently I came across a site called I've found one or two good ones on here.

   I hope you find this article helpful in your search for a relaxing, rejuvenating, refreshing body rub.

Where To Post Your Body Rub Ads In Raleigh, North Carolina

Are you tired of paying hundreds of dollars each year to post your body rub ads, yet your ads don't or won't stay up? maybe they just don't post or they just take your money without really posting the ad for you. All of these things I just mentioned is what Backpage does. I have found several sites aside from Backpage where you won't have to worry about this happening at all.

   By far the best site that I have had success with is Body Rub USA. I have gotten anywhere from 10 - 20 calls a day from this site and the best part is that they leave your ad up when you post. A week is only $25 for top ad position, which is still a much better deal than backpage. To post just a regular ad is free. I would reccommend the top ad position, personally, because you get more hits to your ad and website than if you would just post a regular free ad. Plus, the quality of your clients from this site is much higher, much more professional than any other website. It's awesome. Everyone should post here. They also have an affiliate program that they run, which means they will answer all your calls and set your appointments for you to eliminate the stress of no-shows and guys who call just to call and tie up your phone line so you lose business.

   Then there is always Craigslist, which I like. It simply does not produce the leads I would like it to but all in all, I like the clietele that come from here. I get from 2 - 5 calls a day from here. It's worth the 5 minutes it takes out of your day to post an ad in the beauty or creative services section.

Another method I recently tried and liked is buying a leads list from They're only like .60 per lead and all leads are paying clients so you know your not getting some worthless list. Plus, they'll never re-sell that list to someone else. It is soley yours and your alone to do with as you wish. I reccommend starting with 50 leads. 20 is barely enough but with 50 I was well able to make 10,000 percent my money back and then some!

I hope you've found this article helpful.

Where To Post Your Body Rub Ads In Boston, Massechusets

   How many of you have a hard time finding places to post your body rub ads and getting them to stay up is really difficult? I know just how you feel. Frustrated and just tired of spending money on ads that just simply won't stay up, no matter how hard you try. I'm going to share with you some of the best sites where your ad will be sure to stay up, plus bring in the calls you need.

   My favorite website of all is Body Rub USA. They have the traffic you need to boost your sales. It's free to post a regular ad on here, but I always get the top ad position which is $25 per week. I highly reccommend this because it is where you'l get the most hits and also the most calls because your ad will be in one of the very first 5 positions in your city and state. I get anywhere from 10- 20 calls per day from here. The clientele quality is very professional. Plus, when you sign up for their affiliate program you get paid for every hit you bring to the site. They also have a program called "ACTIVE". Every day you sign in by texting the word active to their phone number once you sign up and they will post all your ads and set all your appointments for you that day. All you need to do once you text your word active in, just sit and relax, have a glass of coffee or wine, while waiting for your appointments to arrive.

   I've also been using some of the smaller sites like Oodle, OLX, etc. I've been getting some pretty good results. Any result is good to me off of these free sites though. Even one or 2 clients per day off of these smaller sites is great.

   Craigslist has also worked very well for me in the past, especially if you post in the beauty services or creative services sections. The quality of the clientele is decent. I get anywhere form 5 - 10 calls per day from here.

   I hope you have found this article helpful to your future business!

Where To Find A Quality Relaxing Body Rub In Maine

   Are you a potential client always on the lookout for an awesome body rub that will leave yopu feeling revitalized, rejuvenated and refreshed? I know the perfect places where you're always gonna be able to find REAL, authentic girls and guys to give you a body rub that will blow your mind. Now, we need to keep in mind that a body rub is 100% legal. The definition of a body rub is: A body rub is simply meant for relaxation of the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the person through moisturization of the skin. It is NOT meant to heal and most body rub specialists are NOT liscensed massage therapists. A massage however, is meant to heal and is usually done by a Liscensed Massage Therapist or Certified Massage Therapist, in a hospital, massage parlour, Chiropractor's office, etc. At the point where a body rub becomes illegal is if there is prostitution or sex acts involved. Period. Don't even attempt it, because you will get caught. It's not a matter of if. It's a matter of when, because rest assured, it WILL happen.

   Now on to brighter things, the best site out there to find a quality body rub is Body Rub USA. All advertisers are screened just for you. This way you can be sure that you're getting the girl in the picture, the price in the ad,  no bait and switch. The quality of the users on this site is ridiculously good. They give great body rubs. If someone does anything illegal, immoral, or robs you, simply report it to the admin on this site and they will ban that user for good. It's that easy.

   You can always go to Backpage but then, you're never sure what you're getting. If the price is wrong, or if the girl in the pic is really the girl. Or maybe they just want to steal your wallet. Either way, I don't really reccommend BP.

   One site I recently found that works is I've personally found several really awesome body rub specialists on this site and was more than happy to spend my hard-earned money with them.

   Craigslist has also been a great way to go, however not as many body rubs are posted on here. It's a little tough, but there's always a hidden gem on here, usually in the beauty services or creative services section on the site.

   I hope you've found your search inspiring!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Where To Post Your Body Rubs In Dallas, Texas

     Are you tired of trying to find quality places that actually work to post your body rub ads, in Dallas, Texas? I myself, have had over 12 years of experience in the body rub industry and am considered an expert in my field. I have compiled 4 of the top sites that will produce top revenue for you, when you post on them. But, first of all I would like to remind you that not all money is good money. NEVER compromise who you are, or what your morals are. Never do anything that's illegal, or immoral for money. It's not worth it, you will get caught.

  If you're tired of trying to post and re-post you can always buy your leads. Recently I found this company where they will sell you REAL leads that have asked to be contacted by providers such as yourself about body rubs in Dallas. They are called I know for a fact that this company will not for a minute rip you off. I have personally used them for the last 6 months and they are a tried and true company. You know I always recommend the best companies! You can buy anywhere from 10 - 20 leads for as little as .60 cents a piece! It's affordable and more importantly, well worth your time and effort, as every one of these leads has been through a screening process, so you know you're dealing with great clients. Plus, once you buy a list, they will not re-sell that same list to someone else. This list is yours, to do with as you like.

   One of the best websites I highly recommend to you is Body Rub USA. The listing price is $25 per ad per week. But again, it is well worth your time and effort to use this site as you WILL make back more than you spend, guaranteed. One of the cool things that you can do is to put your YouTube video right inside your ad, so they can watch the video AND read your ad at the same time.

   Another website that works well for me is You can post your body rub and massage services here for free. It's a whole new elephant when it comes to this site. Who could have guessed that selling your rubs as an auction style could be such a hit! You get to start the auction at whatever price YOU choose, and people will bid to buy your rubdowns. It's awesome for both sides, because each post has a seller rating AND a buyer rating.

   Craigslist is another great option. In most cities and states you can post your ads for free. Especially if you post in the beauty or creative section. I've gotten up to 10 calls a day from here. Obviously the amount of calls depends on YOU.

   Another site I recently came across that gets pretty good results is It is easy to use, and the ads are simple and easy to read. So with these 4 sites,  you should be able to get awesome results! Happy ad posting!

Where To Post Your Body Rubs In Maine

    Do you live in the quiet state of Maine and are at a loss of where to post your body rub ads that are sure to be worth your time, effort and money? I've been a body rub specialist for 10 years and have had a lot of experience with the headaches of where to post your ads. Everyone is tired of Backpage, or so it seems. The problem with posting on Backpage is that they will steal your money once they have your card number. This is the issue I have had - unauthorized ads going through, without my permission. Or they will take the ad that you put up, and take it down within 2 hours of you posting it, even though they say your ad stays up. And then you have to pay again the same day to post another one.

   By far the best site that I have had success with is Body Rub USA. I have gotten anywhere from 10 - 20 calls a day from this site and the best part is that they leave your ad up when you post. A week is only $25 for top ad position, which is still a much better deal than backpage. To post just a regular ad is free. I would reccommend the top ad position, personally, because you get more hits to your ad and website than if you would just post a regular free ad. Plus, the quality of your clients from this site is much higher, much more professional than any other website. It's awesome. Everyone should post here. They also have an affiliate program that they run, which means they will answer all your calls and set your appointments for you to eliminate the stress of no-shows and guys who call just to call and tie up your phone line so you lose business.

   Then there is always Craigslist, which I like. It simply does not produce the leads I would like it to but all in all, I like the clietele that come from here. I get from 2 - 5 calls a day from here. It's worth the 5 minutes it takes out of your day to post an ad in the beauty or creative services section.

Another method I recently tried and liked is buying a leads list from They're only like .60 per lead and all leads are paying clients so you know your not getting some worthless list. Plus, they'll never re-sell that list to someone else. It is soley yours and your alone to do with as you wish. I reccommend starting with 50 leads. 20 is barely enough but with 50 I was well able to make 10,000 percent my money back and then some!

   I hope you've found this article helpful. These are all great sites. Try them out.