Sunday, May 4, 2014

How To Find A Quality Body Rub in Oklahoma City, OK

It can be hard to find a quality body rub or massage in large cities. Sometimes just looking for someone can be stressful in itself.  The competiton is huge and you look at each ad, wondering who to get to give you a relaxation session. Or if they do a good job like they say. I have found a way to eliminate all your wonderings, and a simple solution to your needs. You will never have to wonder again! And I KNOW you will be thanking me for years to come.

   The best site to find a quality, real bodyrub on is BodyRub.INFO. Personally, as a body rub connoisseur, I can recommend this site to you. One thing, you won't to worry about the girls being fake, or not showing up. You pay with your Credit Card or PayPal through the site, and choose your person. So, even if they don't show up, you'll get your payment refunded right away. You can also get credits towards your body rubs. Look for the three buttons at the bottom of each ad and share that ad once on Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus, and the site automatically puts $5 right into your account. And you'll be able to use it to buy a body rub! It's really cool. You never have to worry about adult based content as they do not allow photos of nudity, or lingerie. So you don't have to be worried who sees it!

   If you want to make a little extra cash on the side, even as a client, you can sign up to their affiliate program at the bottom of the site. You will be paid $2.50 for EVERY person that you get to sign up to the site for free. For example, if you get 10 people to sign up through your affiliate link, you make $25! It's that simple. You would be surprised how fast it adds up! And, maybe if you make enough money through the Affiliate Program, you might even get a body rub for free !

   One of the perks to using this site, is that you know the reviews on the person you want to do your body rub are gonna be 100% real, because the only people allowed to leave reviews are customers who have paid that person.

   I hope you have found this article helpful to eliminating all that extra stress in your search. Have a relaxing day!

Where To Post Your Body Rub and Massage Services In Burlington, VT

    Many of you are tired of the same old sites. over and over. You're looking for something new and refreshing. Something that's inviting to your clients and going to keep them coming back to you. Ultimately that is, as body rub specialists, our goal. We prefer to deal with the long-term, professional clientele. You're simply tired of the sites that ask you to pay and then never put your ad up. Maybe they take your card that you used and just took money off of it anyhow.

    BodyRub.INFO will resolve your problems that you’ve been dealing with! Forget about cash orders. All your clients pay with credit card BEFORE the appointment. Thus, eliminating the no-shows and guys who just show up and give you an excuse that sounds ridiculous. ( Just a hint – Personally, I charge people who show up and leave a fee of $20 ) Plus, since they’re paying with credit card, they are going to show up!I’ve never had a CC order that didn’t show. And the number of your repeat clients will go up dramatically. Remember, their money is important to them!

   Another thing that’s awesome about this site is it’s state of the art feedback system. Now, you don’t have to worry about receiving fake feedback! BodyRub.INFO only allows clients who have paid and received your service to leave reviews. Plus, you are now also allowed to leave your client feedback as well. I love this system as it has given my body rub business a ton of real, authentic reviews from happy clients.

   This site does allow you the opportunity to post for free. However, they do charge a 30% success fee for every deal you close on their site. They ONLY GET PAID WHEN YOU GET PAID. If you don’t get paid, they don’t get paid. They only allow you to be priced at $100 for your first 40 deals. After that you choose your own prices. One way is to say stuff like ” Order this gig twice, and get a one hour body rub” or “Order this gig 3 times and I’ll do an outcall ….” You get the idea. Be creative. Nobody likes to read the same ad over and over.

   They don’t allow nude photos or lingerie photos so be advised and don’t try or your ad gets blocked.

   You can also join their affiliate program. This is especially nice, if you have a website. And it’s a great way to make extra cash. They pay $2.50  for every FREE lead you get to join BodyRub.INFO. Your affiliate code is auto-generated after sign-up. Go To the “My Referrals” link at the top of the page to get your affiliate link. You also make 30% on EVERY body rub girl that you get to sign up! So, for example, if you produce 10 leads that join the site, you’ll get paid $25! I know for a fact that this works. They pay out on the first of every month.

   Make sure you share your ad on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Pus for maximum exposure. It’s a very clean site, so you’ll never have to worry about who sees your ads.